Architecture Roadmaps Approach

Key Considerations

  • Understand the why the change is required. Understand the current state of the architecture. 
  • Analyse(Assessment) the business goals/objectives (End), business strategy/org structure/resources(Means), drivers(Influencers)
  • Leverage various analysis tools (TIME/PACE, Reference Models, Heat-Maps) and methods to arrive at the target architecture(Outcome)
  • These may need to be socialised with various stakeholders and approved formally to initiate the change programs. The architecture blueprints may be stored in a central repository to enable easy reference for the various teams
  • Break down the target into smaller building blocks. Build a business case for each building block. Work with senior management in prioritising, ordering them and if required procuring external service partners.
  • The approved architecture blueprint will become the basis of finding the right solutions for each program requirements
  • EA team would be governing each change program based on the principles, guidelines, standards in the blueprint.
  • EA should update the blueprints after each program to document and gaps or learnings.
